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Vol 10, Issue 1, 2014
Pages: 317 - 326
Professional paper
Nonmetallic materials
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Published: 24.04.2014. Professional paper Nonmetallic materials


Amir Čaušević ,
Amir Čaušević
Contact Amir Čaušević

Arhitektonski fakultet, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nerman Rustempašić ,
Nerman Rustempašić

Arhitektonski fakultet , University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nadira Kuljuh-Bolić
Nadira Kuljuh-Bolić

Arhitektonski fakultet, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


One of the first tension resistant materials that is used to build structures is wood. It is highly anisotropic material. The strength of wood in the fiber direction is relevant for dimesioning. From the economic point of view necessity of strengthening the damaged wooden structures is questionable. Given that this is a light material, suitable for installation and handling, it seems that the most reasonable method is its replacement, especially since the unloading can be achieved in a relatively simple manner. Besides the above mentioned, although not as massive and standard practice, often the strengthening of wooden beams is successfully implemented. The most common cause of the subsequent strengthening is the need for elements restoration in already completed structures. In principle, there can be mentioned two valid reasons for necessity of strengthening wooden beams exposed to bending, as follows: to increase the moment of inertia (resistance) of the cross-section and to increase the stiffness of the cross-section (EI). 


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