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Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Pages: 17 - 24
Keynote paper
Keynote papers
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Published: 01.05.2023. Keynote paper Keynote papers


Tatjana M. Trtić-Petrović ,
Tatjana M. Trtić-Petrović
Contact Tatjana M. Trtić-Petrović

Department of Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Dajana Lazarević Orcid logo ,
Dajana Lazarević

“Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Irena Pušica ,
Irena Pušica

Primary Health Centre New Belgrade, Serbia Institution Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Jasmina Kustura ,
Jasmina Kustura

Innovation Science Development Center (INRC), AD Harbi Ltd Sarajevo, B&H

Belma Halilhodžić ,
Belma Halilhodžić

Innovation Science Development Center (INRC), AD Harbi Ltd Sarajevo, B&H

Enita Kurtanović ,
Enita Kurtanović

Innovation Science Development Center (INRC), AD Harbi Ltd Sarajevo, B&H

Adnan Teletović ,
Adnan Teletović

Innovation Science Development Center (INRC), AD Harbi Ltd Sarajevo, B&H

Atif Hodzić ,
Atif Hodzić

Innovation Science Development Center (INRC), AD Harbi Ltd Sarajevo, B&H

Muhamed Harbinja
Muhamed Harbinja

AD Harbi , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Pollution of the environment with heavy metals is one of the greatest contemporary problems. Pyrophyllite is a hydrous aluminum silicate, with a wide variety of applications due to its high melting point and stable chemical properties. This study aims to examine the sorption properties of the mechanochemically activated pyrophyllite for the removal of divalent heavy metal ions (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Ni). The mechanochemical-activated pyrophyllite by milling was obtained from the Parsovići mine, Konjic site, AD Harbi Ltd., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Heavy metal sorption experiments were performed by the "batch" method. Results clearly showed that the sorption of Me(II) is affected by granulation and amount of pyrophyllite, and sorption time. The following results were obtained: (1) the smaller pyrophyllite particle the removal of Me(II) is more efficient and the shorter contact time is required; (2) the sorption of Me(II) on pyrophyllite decreases in the following order Cu > Pb > Cd > Zn > Ni; (3) the increase of contact time increases the removal of Me(II) from the aqueous solution; (4) mutual competition of Me(II) for pyrophyllite binding sites – significantly more efficient sorption of Cd(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) was achieved from individual solutions compared to the mixture. Our results show the high potential of pyrophyllite as a material for the removal of heavy metals from water solutions. 


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