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  • All submissions must be written in English and completed through our online submission platform.
  • Log in or Register to submit your contributions.
  • Each paper will undergo a double blind peer-review process.
  • After the review, authors will be informed of the decision regarding their submission, including acceptance, rejection, or suggested revisions based on reviewers' comments.
  • Abstracts must follow the MNM2025 Abstract format and be no longer than one page.
  • Abstracts should be original and pertinent to topics covered by the MNM2025 Symposium.
  • Upon acceptance of an abstract, authors are required to prepare their full paper using the provided template
  • The full papers will undergo an independent review process. Following the review, authors will be expected to address any revisions or suggestions made by the reviewers.
  • The full paper will only be considered for publication in the MNM2025 Proceedings once it has been revised accordingly and subsequently approved by the reviewers.
  • Each published paper will receive a citable Digital Object Identifier (DOI).