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Vol 10, Issue 1, 2014
Pages: 39 - 48
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 24.04.2014. Research article Metallic materials


Ljubiša Balanović ,
Ljubiša Balanović
Contact Ljubiša Balanović

Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade , Bor , Serbia

Dragana Živković ,
Dragana Živković

Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade , Bor , Serbia

Dragan Manasijević ,
Dragan Manasijević

Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade , Bor , Serbia

Diana Ćubela ,
Diana Ćubela

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tamara Holjevac Grgurić ,
Tamara Holjevac Grgurić

Faculty of Metallurgy, University of Zagreb , Sisak , Croatia

Nada Štrbac ,
Nada Štrbac

Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade , Bor , Serbia

Aleksandra Mitovski
Aleksandra Mitovski

Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade , Bor , Serbia


The results of the comparative prediction of thermodynamic properties for Ga-Zn-Sn system are 
presented in this paper. Two thermodynamic predicting models were used for the calculation – one 
symmetrical (Muggianu), one assymetrical (Toop) model and general solution model. The calculations 
were done for different sections in examined ternary system - from gallim, tin and zinc corner, in a 
wide temperature range 600-1000K. The excess Gibbs energies of mixing and activities of all 
componets in the Ga-Sn-Zn system were obtained and presented through iso-lines. Comparison with 
available literature data was done, showing good mutual agreement. 

Funding Statement

The authors of this study acknowledge the financial support of Ministry of Education and Science, Technological development of the Republic of Serbia under the projects OI172037


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