In this paper, an analysis of the surface water and sediment of the Drina River was carried out.
Samples were taken from different six locations along the course of the Drina River in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Selected heavy metals were determined in the sediment after acid digestion using
atomic absorption spectrometry - flame technique. The same method was used to determine Cd,
Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in surface water samples. The obtained results indicate that the
Drina River in the investigated part of the course meets most of the prescribed metal limit values.
The results obtained for the river Drina were compared with the results obtained in the studies of
the rivers Bosna, Trstionica, and Spreča in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Pravilnik o graničnim vrijednostima opasnih i štetnih materija za tehnološke otpadne vode prije njihovog ispuštanja u sistem javne kanalizacije odnosno u drugi prijemnik, dostupno na.
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