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Vol 13, Issue 1, 2021
Pages: 143 - 148
Professional paper
Metallic materials
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Published: 28.05.2021. Professional paper Metallic materials


Mustafa Hadžalić ,
Mustafa Hadžalić
Contact Mustafa Hadžalić

University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirsada Oruč ,
Mirsada Oruč

University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Raza Sunulahpašić
Raza Sunulahpašić

University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Mine development imposes very high technical requirements of the mine hoisting equipment in terms of speed of transport. To meet these requirements it is necessary to properly design the structural elements of mine hoisting equipment which means that they must have the proper characteristics of the materials from which they are made such as mechanical properties. The suspension lever is an important fixing part of mining installations export container. Since the suspension levers are exposed to dynamic loads during operation, one of the most important test is a determination of their dynamical strength. This paper presents the determination of the dynamic strength of a new suspension lever and a suspension lever that has been in use for several years. Based on these parameters further working life of the suspension lever can be determined in order to increase the safety of the entire plant. 


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