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Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Pages: 215 - 217
Professional paper
Nonmetallic materials
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Published: 01.05.2023. Professional paper Nonmetallic materials


Nedžad Haračić ,
Nedžad Haračić
Contact Nedžad Haračić

Heidelberg Materials Cement BiH , Kakanj , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nevzet Merdić ,
Nevzet Merdić

Heidelberg Materials Cement BiH d.d. Kakanj , Kakanj , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ilhan Bušatlić ,
Ilhan Bušatlić

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nadira Bušatlić
Nadira Bušatlić

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


According to new EN 197-5 is possible to combine clinker with blast furnace slag, silica fume,
pozzolana, fly ash, burnt shale, and limestone from 36 – 50% while clinker content should be from
50 – 64%. In this paper are presented results of laboratory testing concerning CEM II/C-M
(S+W) production where a sample is prepared by mixing 50% of clinker, 23% of calcareous fly
ash, 23% of granulated blast furnace slag, and 4 % of gypsum. The focus was on the physical and
mechanical properties of laboratory-produced samples in terms of the specific surface, specific
weight, setting time, and tensile/compressive strength. Besides the physical-mechanical
properties, the main chemical parameters are also determined (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO,
SO3, Na2O, and K2O). The obtained results of CEM II/C-M (S+W) are compared with the results
of cement CEM II/B-W 42,5N.


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BAS EN 197-1, Cement – Dio 1: Sastav, specifikacija i kriteriji usklađenosti za obične cemente.
Bušatlić N, Bušatlić I, Merdić N, Haračić N. Osnove hemije i tehnologije Portland cementa. 2020.
Osmanović Z, Zelić J. Proizvodnja Portland cementa. 2010;
BAS EN 197-5, Cement – Dio 5: Portland kompozitni cement CEM II/C-M i kompozitni cement CEM VI.

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