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Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Pages: 83 - 90
Review paper
Metallic materials
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Published: 01.05.2023. Review paper Metallic materials


Adisa Burić ,
Adisa Burić
Contact Adisa Burić

Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belma Fakić ,
Belma Fakić

Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edib Horoz ,
Edib Horoz

Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hasan Avdušinović ,
Hasan Avdušinović

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Raza Sunulahpašić
Raza Sunulahpašić

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Austempered ductile iron is the last addition to the group of ductile irons obtained by isothermal
improvement of classic ductile iron. Austempered nodular cast iron has improved mechanical
properties and a different matrix microstructure compared to known iron-based castings. This
type of casting is obtained by isothermal improvement - austempering, whereby the resulting
microstructure consists of a mixture of ausferitic (acicular) ferrite and residual, isothermally
transformed, carbon-enriched, stable, austenite. Changing the austempering parameters
(temperature and time of austenitization and isothermal transformation) affects the obtained
ausferite microstructure, and thus the mechanical properties. The most influential parameter that
affects the mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron is the isothermal transformation
temperature. This paper will present the relationship between microhardness values and
microstructural transformations in the material due to the effect of elevated temperatures.


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