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Vol 10, Issue 1, 2014
Pages: 203 - 212
Professional paper
Metallic materials
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Published: 24.04.2014. Professional paper Metallic materials


Aleksandar Rajic ,
Aleksandar Rajic
Contact Aleksandar Rajic

Technical College of Applied Sciences , Zrenjianin , Serbia

Slobodan Stojadinovic ,
Slobodan Stojadinovic

Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Dorian Nedelcu ,
Dorian Nedelcu

"Eftimie Murgu" University of Resita , Resita , Romania

Ljubica Lazic Vulicevic
Ljubica Lazic Vulicevic

Technical College of Applied Sciences, , Zrenjanin , Serbia


The paper presents an application of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology using the Objet 3D Printer to develop femoral component of total knee endoprosthesis patterns for investment casting process. The goal of the paper is to outline the manufacturing technology intended for prototype production with the use of PolyJet technology and investment casting technology for use in orthopaedics and the surgery of knee arthroplasty. At present the research is focused on the preparation of STL data and verification of the production technology of prototypes made using PolyJet photopolimer materials. The wax model of knee implant obtained by Precision Casting Foundry (LPO) Ada was used as an initial model in this research and the production of knee implant prototypes was carried out in the Center for Numerical Simulation and Digital/Rapid Prototyping at the University “Eftimie Murgu” Resita, Romania.


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