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Vol 11, Issue 1, 2016
Pages: 158 - 164
Professional paper
Metallic materials
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Published: 21.04.2016. Professional paper Metallic materials


Derviš Pihura ,
Derviš Pihura

UG Ljevari , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Derviš Mujagić ,
Derviš Mujagić
Contact Derviš Mujagić

Institute Kemal Kapetanović, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dževad Nović
Dževad Nović

Energoinvest , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The complicated reactions are appeared in the liquid iron under the influence of interaction 
parameters of basic and added elements during oxidation or addition of certain elements. These 
reactions may explain the appearance some of phenomena during the production with the negative
consequences on the final material. Some phenomena as defects into external form are occurred, 
while the motor power of certain processes in the liquid iron must be examined along with the 
influence of interaction parameters at at temperatures 1523 - 1723 K. The investigations of mentioned 
phenomenon are indicated that the interaction parameters affect on the quality characteristics of 
produced material from such iron. The problem is that this region is not sufficiently tested and has so 
little data about the interaction parameters of liquid iron for the specified temperatures.
Simultaneously the greatest liquidity preference of carbon is in the liquid iron. The interaction 
parameters and parameters of surface stresses have got a large effect on the shape, size and 
distribution during the formation the different forms of graphite in products from such liquid iron.
This paper tests the effects of the parameters of interaction, particularly Si to increase of C solubility, 
the calculation of the amount of C solubility to saturation level of the melt with the carbon. These 
phenomena or resulting castings defects are explained, discussed or may be interpreted from certain 
aspects. It is important, therefore, that the attempt be more focused on the phenomenon of opposite 
temperature effect and composition, as well as the interaction parameters or appearance of liquation.
The calculated interaction parameters are discussed, as well as the results obtained in the laboratory 
and industrial scale


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