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Vol 12, Issue 1, 2018
Pages: 141 - 148
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 04.09.2018. Research article Metallic materials


Milenko Rimac ,
Milenko Rimac
Contact Milenko Rimac

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirsada Oruč ,
Mirsada Oruč

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gorazd Kosec
Gorazd Kosec

Acroni d.o.o. Jesenice Cesta Borisa Kidriča, 44 4270 Jesenice , Jesenice , Slovenia


In conducted research was made a characterisation of microstructure and powder NiCrAlY, before and after applying on the base material. Coating was carried out by using HVOF Diamond Jet procedure, which uses the kinetic energy of the metal particles produced by on explosion of combustible gases. Characterisation was based on chemical analysis of metals powder particles, their size and structural composition and testing the composition, and structure of the applied coating on iron base alloy A286 with intermetallic strengthening. We used the classical testing methods of composition of metal powder and coating and optical and scanning electron microscopy in determining the phase composition. By testing with scanning electron microscopy, it was found that at the joint is present aluminium oxide with the presence of yttrium oxide, which play a significant role in the prevention of high-temperature oxidation of the base material. At the joint areal so analyzed and the concentration changes in the content of alloying elements. In addition to determining the phase composition of applied metal coating was used and x-ray structure analysis concentration changes in the content of alloying elements.


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