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Vol 12, Issue 1, 2018
Pages: 125 - 134
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 04.09.2018. Research article Metallic materials


Stojana Veskovič ,
Stojana Veskovič
Contact Stojana Veskovič

Hidria AET d.o.o. Tolmin , Tolmin , Slovenia

Milan Bizjak ,
Milan Bizjak

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Blaž Karpe ,
Blaž Karpe

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Aleš Nagode ,
Aleš Nagode

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Samo Smolej ,
Samo Smolej

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Janez Kovač ,
Janez Kovač

Institute Josef Stefan Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Gorazd Kosec
Gorazd Kosec

SIJ ACRONI d.o.o. Jesenice , Jesenice , Slovenia


FeCrAl alloys have good oxidation resistance at elevated temperature owing to the formation of a continuous Al2O3 surface film, which acts as an oxygen diffusion barrier. The aim of the present study was to investigate the early stages of protective oxide layer formation and its growth on specially prepared commercial FeCrAl alloys, Kanthal AF (K-AF) and Pyromax-C (PX-C), with higher Al and Cr content in the surface layer. Oxidation tests were carried out by annealing at 1200 °C for 24 hours in air atmosphere. Oxidation kinetics was recorded with thermogravimetric analysis, and oxidation products identified by X-ray diffraction and XPS analysis. The surface morphology of the oxide scale was studied by SEM, and the elemental distribution across the scale layer determined by EDS line analysis. The study reveals that higher Al and Cr content in the alloy influenced the oxidation rate at the beginning of the oxidation and promote the early formation of a protective α-Al2O3 scale.


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