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Vol 12, Issue 1, 2018
Pages: 90 - 97
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 04.09.2018. Research article Metallic materials


Hasan Avdušinović ,
Hasan Avdušinović
Contact Hasan Avdušinović

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Salaheldin Abdelmagid Mohamed Badreldin ,
Salaheldin Abdelmagid Mohamed Badreldin

Materials Research Center Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology , Khartoum , Sudan

Mohammed Abdelgadir Abdalla Mohammed ,
Mohammed Abdelgadir Abdalla Mohammed

Materials Research Center Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology , Khartoum , Sudan

Faik Uzunović
Faik Uzunović

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Mechanical properties of the ductile iron strongly depend on its microstructure. Different microstructural constituents result in different values of mechanical and ductile properties of ductile iron castings. One of the possibilities to design (define) microstructure of ductile iron castings is an application of different heat treatment processes. In this paper it is presented the influence of different heat treatment processes on final microstructure and properties of ductile iron samples.


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