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Vol 11, Issue 1, 2016
Pages: 32 - 36
Review paper
Metallic materials
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Published: 21.04.2016. Review paper Metallic materials


Mirsada Oruč ,
Mirsada Oruč
Contact Mirsada Oruč

Faculty of engineering and natural sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragana Agić ,
Dragana Agić

Institut za privredni inženjering , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fuad Klisura ,
Fuad Klisura

Institut za privredni inženjering , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Neira Delić
Neira Delić

Institute Kemal Kapetanović, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


ISO 9001 is an international standard that includes requirements for a quality management system in 
a business organization that it must meet in order to operate in compliance with internationally 
recognized standards. 
Benefits of implementing this standard in organizations are large and besides the ability to sell and 
produce their products or services in accordance with the requirements they also increase customer 
satisfaction with the fulfillment of applicable legal regulations. 
This standard so far has had more changes and issues with the aim of testing, planning and 
improvement of the situation in organizations of all types and sizes. The revision of the ISO 
9001:2015 standardization trying to raise the level of management organization in the global market. 
In this paper are given news in standard ISO 9001, which will be entered in the version of the 
standard called ISO 9001:2015, as well as improvement that these changes bring. 


Iso Novosti.
Lisičar J. ISO 9001:2015 -Izmjene i uvid u novu strukturu norme, 16. Međunarodni simpozij o kvaliteti. 2015;511–29.
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Stanić M, Milovanov B. Poboljšavanje ili stalno poboljšavanje pitanje je sada, 16. Međunarodni simpozij o kvaliteti. 2015;
Marković B. 2014;613–20.

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