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Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Pages: 299 - 303
Research article
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Published: 01.05.2023. Research article


Dejana Kasapović ,
Dejana Kasapović
Contact Dejana Kasapović

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Farzet Bikić
Farzet Bikić

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Rutin belongs to the group of polyphenolic compounds, which consists of hormones, vitamins, and
antioxidants in food. It is found mostly in plants and is one of the most biologically active
flavonoids. It can act as an antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory and can prevent the
formation of a tumor. The concentrationof rutin was determined in (Rubus idaeus L.) Polka
raspberry by applying reverse-phase high-resolution liquid chromatography on reverse phases on
Shimadzu Prominence Modular HPLC with UV/Vis detector. The analysis was performed in
ethanolic extracts of Polka raspberry flower obtained by the Soxhlet extraction and the ultrasonic
methods. Raspberry flowers (Rubus idaeus L.) Polka varieties were collected from two different
localities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely: Starposle near Kakanj and Moševac near Maglaj.
Rutin was determined in all analyzed samples of Polka raspberry. The highest rutin concentration
was determined in the extract of the Polka raspberry flower from the Kakanj-Starposle site, using
the ultrasonic method (31,46±13,90μg/cm3), and the smallest in the Polka raspberry flower from
the Kakanj-Starposle site, using Soxhlet extraction (3,16±0,08 μg/cm3). The concentration of rutin
was higher in the extract of Polka raspberry flower from the Kakanj-Starposle site, which
suggests that these flowers of the Polka variety are recommended as better natural sources of
rutin and that ultrasonic extraction has proven to be a more efficient method for extraction of
rutin in ethanolic extracts, which is the goal of research.


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