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Vol 13, Issue 1, 2021
Pages: 174 - 180
Research article
Nonmetallic materials
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Published: 28.05.2021. Research article Nonmetallic materials


Siniša M. Vučenović ,
Siniša M. Vučenović
Contact Siniša M. Vučenović

University of Banja Luka , Banja Luka , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jovan P. Šetrajčić ,
Jovan P. Šetrajčić

University of Banja Luka , Banja Luka , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Steva K. Jaćimovski
Steva K. Jaćimovski

University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies


In this paper, we have introduced new contemporary materials for heat harvesting, based on thermoelectric effect (or Seebeck effect): rear earth mono-pnictides and graphene. Measure of effectiveness for transformation of heat to electricity is represented with zT factor, which measure heat harvesting potential. zT factor is related with heat and electric conductivity coefficients. For better understanding of these processes, it is necessary to comprehend all mechanisms of electron and phonon scattering in thermoelectric materials. Theory of electron and hole (or carriers) scattering was introduced trough modified Boltzman transport equation, and theory predicted results are in a good agreement with experimental data 


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