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Vol 13, Issue 1, 2021
Pages: 8 - 18
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 27.05.2021. Research article Metallic materials


Nermin Bišćević
Nermin Bišćević
Contact Nermin Bišćević

Mechanical - traffic mixed high school, Bihac, dr. IrfanLjubijankić , Bihac , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The paper describes the behavior of welded joints of NN-70 steel in the presence of a cracking error when bending with impact force. The experiment was performed with three groups of test tubes, depending on the cut-off point of the test tube notch with the tip of the crack in BM, in WM and in HAZ. The test method used was conducted on the instrumented Charpy pendulum. The impact tests were performed in order to detect the value of the total energy of impact depending on the test temperature. Depending on the test temperature, brittle, quasi-brittle or tough fracture can occur. The lowering of the temperature is conducive to the formation of a brittle state and is especially distinctive for the welded joint as well as for the typical heterogeneous structure. The total impact energy, Auk decreases by lowering test temperature successively from room temperature to -140 0C, for all test tubes (BM - WM - HAZ). The influence on the value of the total impact energy, Auk, also has the place from which the tubes were removed, or the place where the V - notch was placed. This means that the heterogeneity of the welded joint structure, which is accompanied by different mechanical properties of the individual welded joint areas (base metal, the weld of the metal, and heat affected zone), has a crucial influence on the impact properties, i.e. the values of the total impact energy.


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