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Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Pages: 172 - 177
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 01.05.2023. Research article Metallic materials


Maja Đekić ,
Maja Đekić
Contact Maja Đekić

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ajla Karić ,
Ajla Karić

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amra Salčinović-Fetić ,
Amra Salčinović-Fetić

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Melisa Baždar ,
Melisa Baždar

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belma Husković ,
Belma Husković

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dijana Dujak ,
Dijana Dujak

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Diana Ćubela
Diana Ćubela

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Metallic materials in granular packings show different electrical properties from their bulk
counterparts. In this paper, we investigate the temporal evolution of the electrical conductivity of
granular metals. We use metallic beads arranged in different one-, two- and three-dimensional
ensembles through which different constant currents are injected. The conductivity behavior in all
three types of systems is qualitatively similar. The results show the rise of conductivity which is
more pronounced in the earlier stages of the time evolution. We investigate the influence of the
dimensionality, the number of beads, and the values of the injected currents on the conductivity


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