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Vol 10, Issue 1, 2014
Pages: 149 - 153
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 21.04.2014. Research article Metallic materials


Kerim Hrvat ,
Kerim Hrvat
Contact Kerim Hrvat

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amra Salčinović Fetić ,
Amra Salčinović Fetić

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ljerka Slokar ,
Ljerka Slokar

Faculty of metallurgy, University of Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Matej Lozančić ,
Matej Lozančić

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Andrija Franjković ,
Andrija Franjković

Mechanical engineering, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senad Hatibović ,
Senad Hatibović

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Suada Sulejmanović
Suada Sulejmanović

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Partially crystalline metallic glass ZrCu was prepared in the form of ribbons by melt-spinning. The chemical composition and homogeneity of the samples alongside partial crystallinity with the existence of an amorphous matrix was confirmed. The measured value of microhardness shows a nonlinear dependence with the increase of Cu. By adding a small fraction of Al the glass forming ability of this binary metallic glass increases. The thermal stability was examined using differential scanning calorimetry.

Funding Statement

Ovaj rad je finansiran sredstvima projekta “Transportna svojstva (metastabilnih) djelimično kristaliničnih sistema”, Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, broj 05-14-4564-1/12.


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