Nanometalic materials are at the present moment the most commercialized class of nanomaterials.
Methods for their synthesis and exploitation of the physical phenomena of their behaviour on atomic
level are ever-expanding. Their prices are sometimes too high and in lowering the price, finding the
new recourses of raw materials, would be crucial. Recent results in research on mining hotspots, in
particular the accumulation lakes for waste water coming from the ore washing process are very
promising. It is indeed possible to extract the wasted metal from the sludge at the hotspots, convert it
into the concentrated metal ionic solutions and then prepare the high-quality nanometalic particles.
These could than have very attractive applications from catalysis, optics, solar cells and memory
devices to even medicine if purified enough. The newest findings in this area will be discussed,
together with the potential of numerous mining hotspots along Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe
as a whole.
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