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Vol 12, Issue 1, 2018
Pages: 79 - 83
Research article
Metallic materials
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Published: 04.09.2018. Research article Metallic materials


Mirsada Oruč ,
Mirsada Oruč
Contact Mirsada Oruč

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Raza Sunulahpašić ,
Raza Sunulahpašić

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Almaida Gigovic-Gekic ,
Almaida Gigovic-Gekic

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sulejman Muhamedagić
Sulejman Muhamedagić

Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Travnička cesta 1, Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The great development of the industry has caused the need for systematization in the classification of raw materials and finished products. For this reason, all industrialized countries have their own standards, so called national standards or norms for production and delivery. With the unification of European countries, and also for the import and export of products and raw materials, the so called- European standard or EN (euro norm) took the primacy. Thus, the designation of steel according to the EN standard has been taken into consideration, and as a standard for designation of steel and therefore steel casting in our country, the designation according to EN standards has been taken over by some of the methods of takeover. Thus, the European standards with the prefix BAS become Bosnian standards.
Standards for designation of steel and steel products are basic for metallurgy and metal industry and are very often in B&H they are translated versions of European standards.
However, any change or revision of the European standard requires the same for the BAS standards, and in this paper will be presented the latest changes to the EN and BAS standards related to the "Designation system for steels", i.e. changes will be shown for the basic standards, respectively EN 10027-1 and 10027-2 or BAS EN 10027-1 and BAS EN 10027-2.


Zakon o Standardizaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, www.bas.gov.ba/images/upload/pdf/institut/zakoni/zakon o_standardizaciji_bs.pdf. 2017;
M. O, F. B, I V. Sunulahpašić R.: Čelik i čelični liv- podjela i označavanje. 2008.
BAS EN 10027-2:2017, Sistemi označavanja čelika – Dio 2: Brojčane oznake. Institut za standardizaciju BiH. 2017;www.bas.gov.ba/standard/?natstandard_document_id=303088.
BAS EN 10027-2:2001, Sistemi označavanja čelika-Dio 2: Brojčane oznake.
BAS EN 10027-1: 2007, Sistemi označavanja za čelike - Dio 1: Nazivi čelika.
Designation systems for steels - Part 1: Steel names. EN. 2016;10027–1.

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